Explanation Of The Nobel prize in Physiology Or Medicine 2022 Award
In what happens to be a shocking announcement, Svante Pääbo, a Swedish scientist was solely awarded the prestigious Nobel prize in physiology or medicine in 2022. This is in recognition of his groundbreaking achievements in founding the field of paleogenomics. Pääbo, a specialist in evolutionary genomics and anthropology has contributed tremendously to our knowledge of the genetic ties between Neanderthals and modern humans through rigorous experiments and has "provided the basis for exploring what makes us uniquely human". Likewise outstanding is his discovery of a novel species of humans called the Denisovans using modern genomic techniques. In this article, we shall get to know about this genius and the implications of his research in physiology. Meet Svante Pääbo The new Nobel laureate in Physiology or Medicine, Svante Pääbo. Photo courtesy: the conversation • Pääbo was born on 20th April 1955 in Stockholm, Sweden. • His father is Sune Bergström who also received the Nobe...